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There are no "Color" settings per se, but non-Black colors (and their uses) should be specified here as a guideline when making styles, etc.:

RGB 000-128-255 - (a lighter/paler blue) for NPLT elements (in top row, 6th of 8)

RGB 255-128-000 - (orange) for 1/4" NPLT text, so it still stands out (IMPORTANT NPLT), but not same color as markup (4th row, 2nd of 8); default color of "Alert" in Options > Graphics

RGB 000-059-189 - default color of "Selection" and "Pre-selection" in Options > Graphics

RGB 213-085-213 - endpoint, etc. snap (no UI to change?) [TODO: check Revit.ini?]

RGB 192-192-192 - (light gray in color picker) for concrete fill, etc.

RGB 142-142-142 - (for halftone - may change) - see also Halftone/Underlay for a table of the (gray) color values corresponding to halftone percentages (and values when compounded), and various AutoCAD standard grays.

RGB 128-128-128 - (dark gray in color picker) for existing lines, etc. - see also Graphic Overrides for Phase Filters

RGB 255-188-121 - color of Void (see Column Blockout - Interior.rfa) in plan (Revit 2020)

RGB 108-174-224 - light blue KAI logo color

For middle/blended shades such as RGB:055-130-188 (used for #3365 Kowa ASCE presentation where light and dark "overlapped"), see Color Blender.

RGB 001-086-151 - dark blue KAI logo color

RGB 159-159-159 - light gray KAI logo color

RGB 067-067-067 - dark gray KAI logo color


RGB 000-000-127

RGB 000-127-000

RGB 069-069-069

RGB 127-127-127

RGB 132-132-132

RGB 134-134-134

RGB 153-153-153

RGB 154-154-154

RGB 170-170-170

RGB 204-204-204

RGB 219-219-219



in Hardware#Sensei 310:



RGB:043-123-179 - background color of "File" tab in Ribbon (checked R2020.2)

RGB:200-059-189 - (pink/purple; not quite magenta) tried for Options > Graphics > Selection, but was too close to endpoint, etc. snap color RGB 213-085-213

RGB:211-168-255 - (lavender) halftoned (to RGB 235-216-255) for experimental "Subbase" Filter (Structural Foundations & Framing: Type Name begins with "Subbase") in #4074.11 (ADR)

See also pyRevit's tab colors (for Toggles panel)

general templates to be replaced with RGB namespace versions

see Templates

  1. REDIRECT Template:RGB 000-000-000

Color pages