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See also Revision Schedules

TIP: When creating the Revision Schedule (in the Titleblock), temporarily set the Headers to the same formatting as one of the Revisions in the project (to use as sample data and format the column widths). [TODO: expand/detail instructions; see 4153.03 12/5/17]

The Row Height of the Revision Schedule is not adjustable [TODO: WISH], so it's best to use the lines drawn by the revision schedule, but... (next 2): [TODO: reformat these 3]

CAUTION: Using the "Save to New File..." right-click option will combine all clouds (from multiple Revisions) into one. See IDEA:Save to New File... should keep the project's settings by lionel.kai - It currently uses the "<None>" template's settings instead: Line Weights are not kept, Clouds from multiple Revisions get combined into one, etc. (see also Save sheet to new file settings?)

See also BS1192 Revisions and Revit [R2016+]

"Issued" Revisions

It's a good idea to mark Revisions as "Issued" after the submittal (or at least mark all previous Revisions as issued when creating new ones). This will prevent new Revision Clouds from accidentally being created on old Revisions.

Autodesk Revit 2015 _ Messages _ 3 Errors _ Revision Clouds from issued revision "..." can't be modified or created. _ ... [Unissue Revisions] _ NOTE: Moving the "HIGH ROOF" Level (the Associated Level of the view with the same name) caused this dialog.

CAUTION: Moving a Level will trigger an "edit" on any Revision Clouds in views associated with that Level (i.e. if the Revision(s) are "Issued", you will get an error: "Revision Clouds from issued revision can't be modified or created."). Similar behavior when moving a Section/Detail (for any clouds in that view). Click "Unissue Revisions" (there shouldn't be any visual changes to the clouds), but remember to re-"Issue" the Revisions afterwards.[1]

Line Spacing of Revision Schedule

The Row Height of the Revision Schedule is not adjustable. [TODO: WISH] WORKAROUND: If the height of boxes (Detail Lines in Titleblock) are approximately equal to the Revision Schedule's Row Height, you can make small adjustments to the Height of the Text Style used in the Schedule. See Revision Schedules for how to INCREASE the row height.

Spacer Revisions

This workaround is no longer needed, see Revision Schedules for how to INCREASE the row height.

The Row Height of the Revision Schedule is not adjustable. [TODO: WISH] WORKAROUND: If the height of boxes (Detail Lines in Titleblock) are approximately equal to DOUBLE the Revision Schedule's Row Height (such as for DOE - see #3910 CHS, etc.), adjust text size to match half the desired spacing (see above; 0.131" ~ 17/128" [not sure how it's rounded/stored - entered decimal] for 1/2" spacing checked for 3 rows; TODO: make table on Schedules) and manually insert "spacer" (blank) revisions between actual revisions. Example from #3910 CHS:

Sequence Revision
Numbering Date Description Issued Issued to Issued by Show
1 A1 Numeric Date 3 dummy 1 [x] None
2 A2 Numeric 08/23/17 ADDENDUM [x] Tag
3 None [x] None
4 A3 Numeric 09/11/17 ADDENDUM [x] Tag
5 None [x] None
6 A4 Numeric 09/22/17 ADDENDUM [  ] Cloud and Tag

NOTE: Even though a revision is "Issued", you can still add it using "Revisions on Sheet", so it's best to Issue all spacer revisions immediately (to avoid having them be accidentally used).

In the example above, "A4" is being worked on. If the Sheet has any previous revisions on it, then the (sequence 5) spacer revision is manually added to it using "Revisions on Sheet". Otherwise, nothing is done (it's the first revision). Also, "A1" was not issued by us (so no spacer revisions were required for it OR "A2").

WARNING: Revision Merge only works on local Clouds

Using "Merge Up" or "Merge Down" only works on the clouds in the local user's file. Clouds made in the selected revision by other users (since the last sync) will be deleted!

WORKAROUND: Make sure all users synchronize changes before and after doing a Revision Merge (and do not create additional clouds in this revision before the second sync). The last user to sync (the first time) should perform the merge (then sync again before all others).

Case ID: 13299535

"Merging Revisions" (for 2014 - TODO: link to latest):

Revit: Merge Revisions only works in local user files - "No issue has been identified and the software is behaving as designed." should be " designed. Users are expected to know that they should have everyone else sync and stop creating new Revisions before sync'ing himself, merging revisions, sync, then everyone else syncs again before continuing work." (submitted 1/16/18 6:32pm HST). Tried to reply to case above, but it created a new case instead: Case ID: 13798246.

WARNING: Duplicate revision numbers not allowed (checked for when dialog closed)

Duplicate Revision Numbers example (4061 HBPH)

Duplicate revision numbers are not allowed. Revit checks for duplicate Alphanumeric numbers immediately (upon closing Numbering Options), and allows you to have duplicates between Alphanumeric and Numeric AS LONG AS THEY AREN'T USED (for example, you can have a "1" in Alphanumeric as long as there aren't revisions that use both Alphanumeric and Numeric), but Revit doesn't check for duplicates in the actual revisions until the Revision dialog is closed![2] At that point, you loose any changes. It should cross-check for duplicates when Numbering Options is being closed (to allow for correction), but more importantly "Cancel" should bring you back to the dialog. However, it would be even better if it was just a Warning (that you could ignore) instead of being an Error (forcing a silly WORKAROUND). Until then, always click "Apply" before "OK" in the "Sheet Issues/Revisions" dialog or you may lose work!

At least the workaround is MUCH more manageable now that you can actually see/preview the revision numbers in the dialog (R2016R2+) to confirm it's correct.

TODO (this section):


NOTE: The ZWNJ needs to go at the end (for duplicate revision numbers) otherwise it shows as a space in the tag (seen in R2018 and ?).


BUG: you can copy & paste revision clouds in "Issued" revisions - shouldn't it put it in the current (unissued) one instead (if able)?

cond. format revisions by date instead of num (if mult revisions issued same time)

A Revision Cloud that isn't a Revision Cloud - a "Detail Line cloud"

You can make...


Revision Cloud inside Legend View - Autodesk Community

rzhouJAYXX ‎08-04-2023 05:03 AM:

I think you can draw a cloud without using the actual cloud. Start with a 'real' revision cloud and then before clicking check, copy the cloud you just drew; then cancel the cloud. Start the detail line and then paste the cloud back in.

my 2023-08-07 11:27 PM (HST) reply:

@rzhouJAYXX Wow. I either had never heard of this, or totally forgot about it because we didn't need it...

FYI, even though it shows up as "Lines" only (no subcategory in parentheses, like "Lines (<Beyond>)", etc.), it gets the object styles from the <Thin Lines> line style. And because [Detail] "Lines" is on the "Model Categories" tab, it also is getting the LW from Model Line Weights (not Annotation Line Weights, like Revision Clouds), so (depending on your settings) the clouds might not be able to match your regular Revision Clouds, even using Override Graphics in View > By Element...


Making clouds - Revit Forum

mark b March 19, 2016, 06:51 AM:

If you just want a "detail line cloud " first use revision cloud tool, draw your cloud and while in edit mode select cloud lines, then select "copy", finish cloud then delete it, go to "paste align same place" you will then have "detail line cloud"

Mark Balsom

If it ain't broke, fix it till it is.


Solved: Its not revision, how to cloud - Autodesk Community - Revit Products


& TODO ("filtering" Revision Schedule):

What i meant was set the sorting grouping to unimtemized, sort by revision number, then all the non numbered revisions will collapse into one blank row.

Revisions that don't show in the Schedule



  • 3507_2017-11-16 markup.png
    2017-11-16 #3507 (use previous version of model): "Can you add this to sheet S101 and PDf just that sheet?" [see "3507_2017-11-16 markup.png" at right]

Taggable and Schedulable Parameters

Revisions are not Schedulable (except in Titleblocks), so you can't schedule instance properties.

NOTE: Some "Type" properties are shown disabled in the Properties pane for convenience (and "Edit Type" is disabled, since the "Sheet Issues/Revisions" dialog should be used instead).

per R2017.2
Parameter Type/Instance Taggable? Schedulable? (in Titleblock) In "Sheet Issues/Revisions" dialog in Properties Comments
Comments Instance Yes No No Yes
Issued Type No No Yes No checkbox
Issued by Type Yes Yes Yes Yes (disabled)
Issued to Type Yes Yes Yes Yes (disabled)
Mark Instance Yes No No Yes
Numbering Type No No Yes No "Numeric", "Alphanumeric", or "None"
Revision - Yes No - Yes (as a pull-down) "Seq. " + Revision Sequence + " - " + Revision Description
Revision Date Type Yes Yes Yes ("Date") Yes (disabled)
Revision Description Type Yes Yes Yes ("Description") Yes (in Revision)
Revision Number Type Yes Yes Yes Yes (disabled) controlled by "Numbering options" and "Numbering" parameter
Revision Sequence Type No Yes Yes ("Sequence") Yes (in Revision) the sequence number (consecutive integers; use "Move Up"/"Move Down" to control by rearranging Revisions)
Show Type No No Yes No "None", "Tag", or "Cloud and Tag"

Revision Settings

Manage > [Settings] > Additional Settings > Sheet Issues/Revisions

These settings (but not the Revisions themselves) can be copied between projects using Transfer Project Standards, selecting "Revision Settings", and choosing "Overwrite" for "Project Revision Information" in the Duplicate Types dialog.


Sequence Revision Number Numbering Date Description Issued Issued to Issued by Show
1 1 Numeric Date 1 Revision 1 [  ] Cloud and Tag

per Structural Template (Structural Analysis-Default.rte) checked in R2019.2

Numbering Per Project
Arc length 0' 0 3/4" [19.05 mm]

NOTE: Numbering can be "Per Project" or "Per Sheet".

Numbering option Sequence starting number / Sequence: Prefix: Suffix:
Numeric 1
Alphanumeric A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z


Sequence Revision Number Numbering Date Description Issued Issued to Issued by Show
1 1 Alphanumeric Date 1 Revision 1 [  ] Cloud and Tag

NOTE: Always use "Alphanumeric" (even for numbers) to avoid confusion, and to have the "duplicate number check" run while the dialog is still open (and the condition can be corrected).

(tested on #4593.10 IBEW):

Numbering Per Project
Arc length 0' 0 5/8" [15.875 mm]


Error - cannot be ignored - Revision Number "1" is used more than once.


  • Viewport titles shouldn't mask clouds in details (clouds should always behave as if they're on top of everything else) - WORKAROUND: place clouds on Sheets if they must overlap text in the Viewport. (example: #3842 1/S508 6/28/18), or change View Title's Text to Transparent (but for some, where you DO want it to mask, you will need to use other means - adjusting Grid ends, Crop Region, etc.).
  • Draw Order for Revision Clouds & Tags vs. newer Text, etc. (example: #3842 1/S508 6/28/18)
  • Tagging Revision Clouds: There's no way to assign Tag types to the different Revisions. The normal workflow would only have one type (so you should purge other types). If, for example, you want revision "1" to be tagged with a triangle, but revision "A" to be with a diamond or hexagon, you need to MANUALLY ensure that each tag is using the corresponding type (just load and set default type the same way you would for other tags). (example: JT #4774? 11/28/18) This would also mean that you could have two revision "1" - a triangle "1" and a diamond "1", for example.
  • Make Revisions Schedulable (in the project, not just in Titleblocks) for instance properties ("Mark" and "Comments") and to see what view it's in (through "Workset"?) and what sheet(s) the view is on (with dependent views, the same cloud could be on more than one; through "Sheet Number", etc.)


  1. 2019-06-28 10:10am[CST] LJC submitted Case ID: 15510892: Revisions in a plan view must be "un-issued" to move the Level If you have issued Revisions in a plan view, and then you move the associated Level, you get an error that the Revisions are being modified and must be un-issued. Then you have to remember to re-issue the revision. Nothing about it changed - it shouldn't happen.
  2. 2017-10-02 Case ID: 13442781; BUG - check for duplicate revisions not done until after dialog is close (Change Request) Defect ID: REVIT-121814