Sections and Detail Views

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WARNING: The Mirror command (with "Copy" checked) makes a copy of the selection mirrored about an axis. If you uncheck "Copy", it simply deletes the original afterward. This can cause problems with references and constraints. To flip a Section, you should use the flip arrow NOT the Mirror command.

Live Views vs Drafting Views

TODO: put this in Drafting Views also


  • annotations (Dimensions and Tags) can disappear without warning
  • if something moves, other annotation (like leader arrows) might not line up properly
  • easy to fake (n.t.s.)


  • you can tag
  • always reflects latest design condition (if modeled properly)
  • hard to fake (always t.s.)

If you move a section cut in plan, line-based Detail Items, Repeating Details, Detail Groups, and Detail Lines will move with the cut, but Text and regular Detail Items (and overridden 2D Level ends, etc.) will not.

Filled Regions?

TODO: example illustrations

behavior when
moving a section cut in plan rotating a section cut in plan
line-based Detail Components moves with cut
Detail Groups
Repeating Details "stay"? (moves with cut?)
Detail Lines
Detail Components doesn't move (maintains position relative to model?) move [out] (& get rotated onto a flat plane)
Annotation Symbols

split segment messes up the cut in other views (not shown when it should be)

workaround: if need to split segment, hide instead, then place section cut (ref other view) and split segment on that

alternate workaround: enlarge the Crop Region to show where the HEAD is (but still shows the mark at the proper cut plane) - probably related to some kind of bounding box issue like stairs/railings and Plan Regions. see also Eric Zhang's 7/6/18 Screencast

2018-07-02 4:15pm HST: Submitted Case ID: 14384466.

NOTE: The jog is still limited by the Clip Depth of the view it's referring to. TODO: WISH: no limits


  • Section Cut Size & Locking Size to Symbol - no easy way to "reset" view extents and section symbol to be exactly the same. There is a WORKAROUND (but it's better to just eyeball it). The workaround should make it exact, but still not linked.
  • Aligning Heads and Tails is possible, but the snap point is nowhere near where you'd expect [TODO: Idea: fix], so much so that some people are not even aware that it's possible: AUGI - 2003-10-09 - Section Head/Tail Alignment? (or maybe it wasn't possible back then?), but that thread suggests aligning to Ref. Planes [TODO: check]; would it be good to have the ends align-locked like Grids (as suggested in thread)? not sure...



  1. pre-2018-03-14 was composing reply (need to check?): @SeanWitheFSL It's probably just using the "CG" of the symbol (which includes an arrow, for most people - maybe what's throwing it off). But it would definitely be nice if it would consider the midpoint (or even one of the ends) as the center of rotation (the way it uses a Group's origin, not its "CG", though the origin starts there). At least you can snap the center of rotation to one of the section endpoints!